Friday, 28 August 2015

First Nations Communities Suffer from Repeated Drinking Water Advisories


Health Canada which publishes notices about Drinking Water Advisories has once again notified many First nations Communities about a boil water advisory alert.   The following is a excerpt from Health Canada ( .

"Short and long term drinking water advisories that are in place in First Nation communities on reserve located south of the 60 degree parallel in Canada.
As of June 30, 2015, there were 132 Drinking Water Advisories in effect in 91 First Nation communities across Canada, excluding British Columbia.
Note: Health Canada no longer reports drinking water advisories in British Columbia First Nations. More information on drinking water advisories in British Columbia First Nations.
For more information, please contact: "

To learn more about the struggles that our indigenous people face please follow this link and read this article .

Installing an Eagle Water Treatment System can help guard against unwanted contamination in your drinking water. Consider the installation of an Eagle Water Treatment system in your home or business today and protect your drinking water.

Wise Water International is an authorized distributor of Eagle Water Treatment Products and Services. For more information feel free to give us a call today at 1-866-427-7757 or visit us at .

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Beat Water Retention With...Water!

Wise Water International agrees that the best way to beat bloating is to give your body what it needs. Lots of water!
We are always amazed to hear people say that they do not want to drink a lot of water because it "bloats" them or it makes them "retain water." In fact, it does the exact opposite. People retain water because they're not drinking enough water! The human body functions in a "Primal Survival Mode" and it responds to anything it perceives as a possible threat to its survival. If you deprive your body of ample amounts of water, you are threatening its survival. In response, your body kicks into its "Primal Survival Mode" and holds onto every drop of water it possibly can for future needs and purposes. This water is often stored in extra-cellular spaces and appears as bloated hands, legs and feet.
If you're currently using or thinking of using diuretics to decrease water retention, think again. With diuretics, not only is the "Primal Survival Mode" activated, where your body hoards as much water as it can, but you are also draining your body of valuable vitamins and minerals. If you have long-term water retention issues, you may be ingesting too much sodium. Our bodies can only tolerate so much sodium. The more sodium you take in, the more water your body will retain to dilute the sodium concentrations. By simply cutting down on your sodium intake and drinking plenty of water, you'll notice considerably less bloating. The water will carry the excess sodium along for the ride as it flows through the kidneys.
For healthier and safer drinking, drink purified water daily. To learn more please contact Wise Water International at 1-866-427-7757.

Monday, 24 August 2015

20 Life Hacks to Drink More Water

Wise Water International's 20 life hacks to drinking more water:

1. When you are thirsty, drink water.
2. Have water with you at all times.
3. Replace all the other drinks you drink with water.
4. Reward yourself with your favorite drink after you have reached your water goal.
5. Add lemon for flavor.
6. Add cucumber for a refreshing flavor.
7. Add orange blossom or rose water to each glass.
8. Add frozen fruit.
9. Add lots of ice to your water.
10. Use straws.
11. Use a water tumbler.
12. Use a Big Gulp from 7/11. Fill it with water only!
13. Keep a 32 ounce reusable bottle at work. Challenge yourself to finish the bottle before your first break, then before lunch and before you leave to go home.
14. Keep track with an app.
15. Every time you use the washroom, drink a glass of water.
16. Drink a glass of water an hour for 8 hours.
17. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you when to drink up.
18. If you use those reusable cups with the straw, wrap 4 elastic bands around it. Every time you finish a cup with water, remove a band. The left over bands will remind you how many cups you have left to drink.
19. While at work, drink 48 ounces of water before 1pm, another 48 ounces before 5pm.
20. Get a 64 ounce reusable jug and fill it with water every day. Mark times on the outside of the jug to challenge you to drink the water before that time. For example: 10am, 2pm and 5pm.

Life hacks are great for drinking more water! Just be sure to drink purified water to keep you healthy, free from contaminants and hydrated. To learn more about your drinking water please call Wise Water International at 1-866-427-7757.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

12 Signs You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

Water makes up to 80% of your body but unfortunately not many people take the issue of drinking enough water seriously. This leads to dehydration. Here are 12 signs from Wise Water International that you are probably not drinking enough water.

Reduced urine
A normal human being who drinks enough water urinates five times in a day. If you make lesser trips to the rest rooms, you are not drinking enough water. The water you pass out should also be clear to light yellow. If you pass out water that is dark yellow, your body is dehydrated.

Feeling thirsty
Water makes you feel fresh and better. If you drink insufficient water, you will experience feeling thirsty and your brain will be pushing you to drink more water.

Mouth dryness
Typically water acts as a lubricant for the mucus membranes in the mouth and the throat region. Drinking enough water ensures that your mouth is kept moist. If you feel a sticky feeling in your mouth and throat, you should reach for a glass of water.

Dry skin
Since the skin covers the largest part of your body, it is important to keep it hydrated. If you realize that your skin is becoming drier each day then you should know that you are not drinking enough water.

Decreased muscle mass
The mass of your muscles is comprised of water.  Water is necessary before and after workouts to keep the form of your muscles at par. Water also decreases the chances of inflammation during weightlifting.

Prolonged sickness
Water helps your body to get rid of toxins. This means decreased chances of sickness or quick recovery. When your water intake is insufficient, you will stay sick for longer since toxins will be in high concentration in your body, also lowering your immunity. When you are sick, water is required in your body to fight the disease out.

Unusual fatigue
A dehydrated body borrows water from other sources like your blood and makes you feel tired. This is because a dehydrated body lacks enough oxygen which leads to fatigue and lack of sleep. Try increasing your intake of water. Avoid sodas and caffeinated teas.

Digestive problems
A low intake of water means that the mucus in the stomach and the digestion system will be weak. This allows the hydrochloric acid in your body to serve the functions of water which leads to digestion complications. If the acid goes beyond reach you will experience indigestion and effects of heart burn.

A dehydrated body forces the colon to use all the water that is important during digestion. This means that there will be no lubricant left in the body, resulting in constipation. The digestive system needs to be hydrated to allow “that waste” to come out with ease.

Early aging
Age is inversely proportional to the amount of water in our bodies. As you get older you need to increase water intake so that your skin looks younger. Early aging will be seen clearly by the looks of your skin.

Aching joints
Friction between the bones causes pain along the joints. To reduce friction, it is important to take in enough water so that the joints will be lubricated. It is important to note that water makes up a larger percentage of the cartilages and the spinal discs. Drinking enough water ensures that the joints absorb shocks which are caused by sudden movements and the bones will not grind against each other.

Dry eyes
More water means more tears. If you do not drink enough water, you will experience dry eyes since your tear ducts will be dry due to inadequate tear production.

Water is life. It is recommended to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day in order to prevent any health issues. If you detect any of these signs, try to respond instantly by increasing your water intake.

Drinking purified water will also increase hydration as it is absorbed quickly into the body and blood stream. To learn more about drinking more water please call Wise Water International at 1-866-427-7757.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

6 Celebs That Got Great Skin From Drinking Water

Celebrities claim that anyone can get glowing skin by drinking lots of water. Wise Water International always knew water was amazing for your skin.

Here are quotes from 6 famous women about drinking water:

“I’ve been known to drink out of the hose in the backyard before! But in restaurants, when I’m feeling fancy, I’ll ask for lemon.”Gabrielle Union

“I have alkaline water filters in my kitchen sink and on my shower heads, so it’s purified and alkaline. I learned about the benefits of alkaline in your body from studying nutrition.”Miranda Kerr

“You know those giant Big Gulps cups that most people fill with soda? She’s got hers filled with water.”Winona Ryder’s make-up artist

“If you ask my kids ‘What’s the one thing Mom’s taught you?’ [The answer is] ‘Drink water.’”Elle MacPherson

“I always try to sleep for at least eight hours a night and, of course, water, water, water! I drink 100 ounces of Smartwater every day. But occasionally I just have to have a Diet Coke—there’s nothing like it!” Jennifer Aniston

“Water is really good for you. Water can be fun.”
Eva Longoria

Drinking purified water can give your skin that luxurious glow you're looking for.

For tips on purifying your water please call Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) at 1-866-427-7757.

Monday, 17 August 2015

5 Uses for Purified Water

Here is a list of Wise Water International's top 5 uses for purified water:
Improve Health
Removing chlorine and other contaminants that are in your water will drastically improve your health.
Using purified water to wash and cook your food in will make the food crisper and better tasting.
Just like us, pets prefer clean drinking water. Purify your water to remove all contaminants for a healthier pet!
Chemicals added to our tap water can decrease the effectiveness of medications.
Coffee & Tea
Improve the taste of your coffee and tea with purified water. 
Call Wise Water International today to learn more uses of purified water!! 1-866-427-7757.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Wise Water Finds Purified Water is Used in Cosmetics

Water is used in the formulation of every type of cosmetic and personal care product. It can be found in lotions, creams, bath products, cleansing products, deodorants, makeup, moisturizers, oral hygiene products, personal cleanliness products, skin care products, shampoo, hair conditioners, shaving products, and suntan products.

Water is used as a solvent in cosmetics and personal care products in which it dissolves many of the ingredients that impart skin benefits, such as conditioning agents and cleansing agents. Water also forms emulsions in which the oil and water components of the product are combined to form creams and lotions.

Only water that is free of toxins, pollutants and microbes is used in the formulation of cosmetics and personal care products. Purified water is mainly used for this purpose.

To learn more about purified water and its benefits please call Wise Water International at 1-877-427-7757.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

How Water Pollution Affects Humans

Wise Water describes pollution as the undesirable effect of the addition of foreign objects to any body of water. Water pollution is a problem that exists today. Since roughly two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, humans become easily susceptible to the ill effects of contamination.

Toxic substances and thermal pollution are the two leading causes of water pollution. Toxic substances can be man made; from the by-products of chemical compounds and industrial facilities or organic; matter from sewage or human and animal waste. Thermal pollution occurs exclusively due to human activity, the dramatic changes in water temperature from the operations of industrial facilities. Physical pollution occurs when rivers, lakes and streams are used as dump.

The most common ill effect of water pollution on humans is disease. Parasites and microorganisms may be transported by water and subsequently consumed by humans.  Common waterborne diseases include typhoid, intestinal parasites, and diarrhea.  Although these diseases are preventable by vaccination and curable by existing medicines, people continue to become sick largely due to the ongoing problem of water pollution caused by disease-carrying microorganisms.  Diseases and other ailments may also be caused by non-organic matter like harmful chemicals.  Ingestion of water laced with such chemicals could result in physical deformities, organ failure, and even death.

With water pollution being detrimental to humans, the only solution would be to address both causes and effects.  Both public and private sectors worldwide are already hard at work to prevent further causes from ever materializing as well as repairing the damage already done.  Unfortunately, even with all the measures in place, water pollution and its effects are still a long way from being permanently eliminated. We need more solutions and quick!

Keep your family safe from water pollution by installing a Wise Water International Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System in your home. For more information please call 1-877-427-7757.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Water Is Important for Your Kids

Besides getting your kids to drink plenty of milk each day, Wise Water International wants to be sure you don't forget the water! Water is essential to your child's health. It makes up more than half of kids' body weight and is needed to keep all parts of the body functioning properly. Purified water by reverse osmosis is recommended for maximum health benefits.

Some of the benefits of drinking water include:

  • Digestion support
  • Constipation prevention
  • Proper blood circulation
Water also helps transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, regulate body temperature, and maintain electrolyte (sodium) balance.

There’s no specific amount of water recommended for children, but it’s a good idea to give them water throughout the day, not just when they’re thirsty.

If your child doesn’t like the taste of water, add some lemon or lime for flavor.

Fruits and veggies are also good sources of water.

Kids should drink more water when they’re ill, when it’s hot out, and when they’re physically active.

Drinking clean, healthy water is very important for the grow and health your little ones. For tips on clean, healthy drinking water please call Wise Water International at 1-866-427-7757.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Fat Flush Water Recipe

Wise Water International loves making new recipes with purified drinking water. We came across this recipe and wanted to share it with everyone! This is a great one to try!!!!
Water is the vehicle used to remove waste from the body. The leftover waste from the fat breakdown are then filtered out of your organs by the water that you drink. The water carries the waste to your bladder where it is then expelled from your body through your urine! It is important to drink enough water each day to keep you hydrated and facilitate the breakdown and elimination of fat cells. Many sources claim that you should be consuming around 8 glasses of water per day, but this number can largely vary depending on your size, how often you are exercising, and even how hot it is outside. Often a lack of energy and even headaches throughout the day are symptoms of mild dehydration. It is a good idea to make a conscious effort to drink more water. A little extra is definitely better than not enough!

The Fat Flush Water Recipe and What it Does

2 Liters (64 oz.) Purified Water
1 Tangerine, sectioned
1/2 Grapefruit, sliced
1 Cucumber, sliced
4 Peppermint or Spearmint Leaves
Ice, (made from purified water)
Mix in a pitcher before bed and drink throughout the next day. Consider using organic produce for this. If it is unavailable to you, thoroughly wash the produce with purified water before adding it to the water to remove any chemicals that may be left on them.
  • The tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, stabilizes blood sugar, and because they are high in vitamin C, increases fat burned during exercise.
    Tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, stabilizes blood sugar, and stimulates genes to burn fat.
  • The grapefruit will increase metabolic energy, burn fat, and increase energy.
  • The cucumber helps you to feel more full and acts is a natural diuretic, which means less bloating and water retention.
  • The mint leaves aid in digestion.
This is considered a fat flush, meaning that you will still need to do the exercise that is required to break down the fat so that it can then be eliminated by the body. Eating right is also very important. It’s not about counting calories, but making sure to get enough calories for your body from healthy, lean, whole foods.
We at Wise Water International hope you all enjoy this recipe! Be sure to use purified water! Tap water will alter the taste of this recipe and add unwanted chemicals to the mix. To find out how to purify your water please call 1-866-427-7757.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Life Hacks to Drinking More Water

Most of us are well aware of the importance of being hydrated, but sometimes drinking plain water is just too boring. Here are 20 hydrating tips from Wise Water International for drinking more water everyday.

When you feel thirsty, grab a glass of water.
Drink water with all your meals.
Stop drinking everything except water - the cravings for everything else will eventually go away.
Treat yourself to your favorite drink after you have drank all your water for the day
Add a slice or two of lemon.
Add cucumber for a refreshing taste.
Add a couple drops of orange blossom or rose water.
Add frozen fruit instead of ice cubes. You can eat the fruit once the glass is empty.
Add lots of ice! Cold water is more desirable than room temperature water.
If you like straws, use them!!
Use your favorite cup!
Label your water bottle with goals for the day!
Keep track of how much water you drink.
Drink one glass of water every hour for 8 hours - there is your 8 glasses a day!
Put an alarm on your phone to remind you to drink more water.
Drink purified water - it is better tasting and healthier.
Wise Water International is all about drinking more water! To learn more about your water please visit us at or call 1-866-427-7757.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Heat Warning for Hamilton, ON

Wise Water International insists on staying hydrated during this heat wave.
Daytime highs in the low 30s are expected with warm overnight temperatures near 20 degrees. The hot weather conditions will likely continue into Thursday.

The heat warning will likely be extended later this afternoon to include portions of eastern ontario.
Watch for symptoms of heat stroke, which include:

Dizziness or fainting, nausea or vomiting, headache, rapid breathing and heartbeat, extreme thirst and decreased urination with unusually dark yellow urine.

If you experience any of these symptoms during extreme heat, immediately move to a cool place (somewhere with A/C, water parks, splash pads, etc) and drink lots of water.

Make sure that your friends and family stay cool and are hydrated.

Never leave kids or pets inside a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight.

Eagle Water can provide clean, healthy drinking water all year round. Water is especially important during these hot summer months. Please call 1-866-427-7757 to find out more water information.