Thursday, 30 July 2015

Cats and the Water They Drink

Wise Water cares about what you and your pets are drinking.

Cats, like all other pets, need to have access to clean water at all times. Your cat’s water bowl should be washed and refilled at least once a day or more, not just topped up.

Some cats are fussy about the type of water they will drink. Some will only drink running water from a tap or from a certain bowl. Of course, there is always the odd one or two who choose to drink from the bottom of the bath, or even the toilet bowl!

Eagle Water would like to show you how you and your pets can drink clean, fresh water everyday. To learn more please call 1-866-427-7757.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

5 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water

Providing more than just hydration, fresh lemon juice and water can deliver surprising benefits.Wise Water International suggests starting every morning with a glass of warm lemon water to stimulate digestion for the day and clear the body of any toxins that may have settled in the digestive tract overnight. We tend to reach for those warm beverages in the morning like coffee and tea, but try starting your day with some warm lemon water first to kick-start digestion. The water doesn’t always have to be warm, but it should be purified.
Here are 5 health benefits of drinking lemon water:

1. Support immune function:

Lemons are high in vitamin C which is known for its supportive role in healthy immune function which may reduce the risk of respiratory infection. Vitamin C found in lemons demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms.

2. Alkalize the body:

Although a lemon may seem acidic, lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. Lemons contain both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easily metabolized from the body allowing the mineral content of lemons to help alkalize the blood.

3. Aid digestion:

Believed to stimulate and purify the liver, lemon juice is traditionally understood to support digestive hydrochloric acid in the stomach further aiding digestion. Vitamin C status has been associated with reduced risk of peptic ulcers caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

4. Clear skin:

Vitamin C and other antioxidants in lemons combat free radical damage. Free radical damage is responsible for many symptoms of aging. Antioxidant intake can help offset this damage, minimizing wrinkles. Lemon juice can also be applied to scars and age spots to help reduce their appearance. Lemon water is also believed to help purge toxins from the blood, helping to keep skin clear of blemishes.

5. Promote healing:

Vitamin C promotes wound healing and is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of healthy bones, connective tissue, and cartilage. Vitamin C also displays anti-inflammatory properties making vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of good health and recovery from stress and injury.

Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) suggests sprucing up your everyday water with some lemon. Also be sure to use purified water with the lemon to maximize it's benefits. To learn more about purified water please call 1-866-427-7757.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

When Should You Be Drinking Water?

Wise Water International agrees that pure, clean drinking water helps our bodies function properly and maintain good health.

Drinking water at the correct time of the day maximizes its effectiveness and health benefits on the human body.
First thing in the morning.
Drinking 2 glasses of purified water after waking up helps activate your internal organs and digestive system.
Before each meal.
1 glass of purified water 30 minutes before a meal helps the digestion process.
Before taking a bath.
1 glass of purified water before a warm bath helps kick-start the relaxation process and  lowers blood pressure.
Throughout the day.
Try to drink some purified water throughout other parts of the day. This helps keep your body better hydrated. Thirst is the first sign of your body already being dehydrated.
Before exercising.
When exercising, your body’s temperature rises, and you loose more fluid. So you need to replace this by drinking water.
With medication and when you are sick.
Water helps to dissolve medication and spread it throughout your digestive organs for rapid absorption. Water also prepares the tissues to receive the medication-substance and put it to work faster. When you are sick, drinking plenty of fluids is important for maintaining hydration and faster recovery.
With a cup of coffee or other diuretics .
Certain beverages, such as coffee, soft drinks and other sugary drinks tend to be diuretics which dehydrate your body. You need to replace this with a glass of purified water.
Before going to sleep.
1 glass of water before going to bed helps avoid stroke or heart attack in the more elderly.

For tips on when to be drinking water please call Wise Water International at 1-866-427-7757.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Keep Your Children Hydrated This Summer

What’s the best drink to quench a thirst? Water! Wise Water has all the solutions you need.
Fruit juice, which contains Vitamin C, is often seen as a healthy drink choice. However, fruit juices are high in sugar, just like fruit drinks, flavoured mineral water, energy drinks and soft drinks. A 250ml cup of apple juice or cola contains up to six teaspoons of sugar.
You can have them occasionally, but these drinks are not a necessary part of a healthy diet.
The recommended daily amount of fluids for children are:
  • 5 glasses (1 litre) for 5 to 8 year olds
  • 7 glasses (1.5 litres) for 9 to12 year olds
  • 8 to10 glasses (2 litres) for 13+ years 
You should drink more water when you’re exercising or on a hot day. 

Tips to help you drink more water
  • Bring a water bottle everywhere you go.
  • In summer, put a frozen water bottle in your lunch box.
  • Keep cold water in the fridge during summer and drink warm in the winter.
  • Water down juices and/or sport drinks.
  • Limit those sugary drinks.

Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) want to make sure you and your kids stay hydrated during these scorching hot summer days. For tips on clean drinking water please call 1-866-427-7757.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

The Importance of Electrolytes & Drinking Water

Dehydration can occur quickly during exercise. Your body needs to replenish water during and after exercise to prevent dehydration. But over longer periods of physical activity the body also loses electrolytes. These need to be replaced as well, and water does not contain them.

Your body needs electrolytes at all times. They are molecules that contain free ions and help to regulate many processes in the body, including nerve and muscle function, hydration, blood pH, blood pressure and healing damaged tissue. Electrolytes are obtained naturally through many foods and are usually not a concern to individuals adhering to a casual exercise routine. In more extreme cases, though, your body's electrolytes need to be taken into consideration.

Doctors recommend drinking small amounts of water every 10 to 15 minutes during exercise. This helps to immediately replace the water lost through perspiration. For exercise lasting more than 60 minutes, other nutrients must be included. Drinking a beverage that features a carbohydrate content of 5 to 7 percent allows the body to absorb the carbohydrates at a quick rate, providing quick fuel and helping to replenish electrolytes to the body.

Many sports drinks, including Gatorade, Powerade and Vitamin Water all feature carbohydrates and electrolytes that are valuable for people exercising in excess of 60 minutes. You can also make your own sports drink featuring electrolytes by adding a small amount of orange or fruit juice to water, or mixing 5 tbsp. table sugar and 1/3 tsp. salt into a liter of water.

Not only is drinking was important but so is replacing lost electrolytes. For clean and healthy drinking tips please call Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) at 1-866-427-7757.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

How Much Water is in Your FruitsFruit & Vegetables?

 It turns out that water from the food you eat is more than a minor consideration. Food actually provides 20 percent of your recommended daily intake of water. Besides their many nutritional benefits, another good reason to eat your daily fruits and vegetables is to get their high percentage of water.

Water in Fruits
Watermelons & Strawberries - 92% water.
Cantaloupe - 90% water. 
Grapefruit - 91% water. .
Raspberries/Pineapple/Plums/Peaches/Oranges/Cranberries/Apricots/Blueberries - 85-87% water.
Apples/Cherries/Grapes/Pears - 81-84% water.
Banana - 74% water.

Water in Vegetables
Cucumbers/Lettuce - 96% water.
Celery/Tomatoes/Zucchini - 94-95% water.
Broccoli/Cabbage/Cauliflower/Sweet Peppers/Spinach - 91-93% water.
Carrots - 87% water
Green Peas - 79% water.

Under normal circumstances, women need 2.7 liters, and men should consume 3.7 liters of water daily. This recommended intake includes the water you get from foods.

Fruits and vegetables have a lot of water in them, but don't forget to drink water as well to stay hydrated. For healthy drinking water tips please visit or call 1-866-427-7757.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

10 Uses for Purified Water

1. Improve You & Your Family's Health - It is a well know fact that there can be over 50 different types of chemicals and contaminants added to our water at any one time. Chlorine alone has been directly linked to many forms of cancer.

2. Infant Formula - Purified water removes Giardia & Cryptosporidium Cysts as well as E.coli bacteria. Purified water is a safer option for your baby's formula.

3. Food Preparation - Using purified water for your cooking, washing vegetables, salads, pasta and rice will remove a large percentage of heavy metals and chemicals making your foods taste better.

4. Better For Your Pets - Unfortunately chemicals and bacteria do not discriminate between humans and animals, so purify your pets water for a healthier pet.

5. Increase the Effectiveness of Medications - Research has shown that chemicals added to your tap water can decrease the effectiveness of medications and can increase the effectiveness if taken with purified water.

6. Fish Tanks - While still keeping the natural minerals in tact, it makes for a clean fresh environment for your fish.

7. Brewing Beer - Many of our customers use their water purifier with the CC1E or the CC1E-HT to make their home brew beer. Their beer not only has far less chemicals in it but it also tastes better. Here's to great tasting beer!

8. Better For Your Plants - Chlorine is known to attack organic matter which can cause them to die. Water your plants with fresh, purified water today and see the difference.

9. Coffee & Tea -  Next time you have a tea or coffee use purified water and taste the difference!

10. Less Cleaning and a Longer Life for Appliances - Ever wondered where those brown stains in your kettle or iron come from? Use purified water and say goodbye to those stains forever!

For other uses of purified water please call 1-866-427-7757 or visit

Monday, 20 July 2015

How Your Water Affects Your Hair

The characteristics of your water can determine how well (or poorly) your shampoo and conditioning routine works. Also, if your house water is chlorinated, mineralized or fluoridated, it can also have an effect on your hair.

You need water to shampoo your hair and hard water makes it harder to wash your hair. Each hair shaft is made up of little scales, like shingles on a roof. Hard water makes the scales stand up, which makes your hair feel rough and tangly. Since your hair is tangled and rough, it is more difficult to rinse out all of the soap. Soap is less effective in very hard water because its reacts with the excess minerals to form calcium or magnesium salts. These are not easily soluble in water and can result in soap film. Washing hair in soft, conditioned water will have a different result because it leaves fewer insoluble deposits on the hair.

The first step is determining the hardness of your water. The best way is to call for a free water test from Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems. Consumers can call 1-866-427-7757 for the free water test and other helpful information.

To find out more about how your water can affect your hair please call 1-866-427-7757 or visit us at

Friday, 17 July 2015

The Best Weight Loss Drink

Are you looking for a natural way to boost your metabolism? We have the perfect solution!
Apple Cinnamon Water!

Apple Cinnamon Water contains less than 10 calories and can do miracles in a week. The results you should expect are magnificent weight loss and amazing energy splash!

How to make Apple Cinnamon Water:

Use a big pitcher, re-fill water 3-4 times before replacing apples and cinnamon.

  • 1 apple thinly sliced (you can use any type of apples)
  • 1 fresh cinnamon stick
  • Ice
  • Purified water
  • Large pitcher
Put the apple slices on the bottom of the pitcher(save some to put in your glass later) and then drop the cinnamon stick, fill half of the pitcher with ice and then add water. You should keep in mind that this tasty water has a hint of flavor, meaning if you want it to taste stronger, add more apples or slice them thinner.
Drink one glass before your meals. Keep apple cinnamon water in the fridge not more than 3 days.

Apple Cinnamon Water is a great aid for weight loss. For more water ideas with purified water please visit

Thursday, 16 July 2015

10 Interesting Facts About Water

1. Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water.

2. At birth, water accounts for approximately 80 percent of an infant’s body weight.

3. A healthy person can drink about three gallons (48 cups) of water per day.

4. While the daily recommended amount of water is eight cups per day, not all of this water must  be consumed in the liquid form. Nearly every food or drink item provides some water to the body.

5. Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid.

6. Much more fresh water is stored under the ground in aquifers than on the earth’s surface.

7. By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount.

8. The weight a person loses directly after intense physical activity is weight from water, not fat.

9. The total amount of water on the earth is about 326 million cubic miles of water.

10. Somewhere between 70 and 75 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

Wise Water International loves interesting facts about water. To learn more interesting facts about water please visit

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Trick yourself into drinking more water!

Water is the best thing you can put in your body, yet so many of us ignore it throughout the day. Here are some great ways to trick yourself into developing a healthy habit of drinking lots of water every day.

Hide It In Your Daily Routine
If you already have a good morning and bedtime routine, make drinking water a part of it. You can still have your morning coffee, but add a glass of water in beforehand.

Get a Reusable Water Bottle and Mark It with Time-Oriented Goals
Water bottles are an excellent way to increase your water intake. Get a high-quality one, even if it costs you a little more. A good stainless steel or heavy-duty plastic bottle should do the trick. Once you've found one you like, take it with you everywhere.

Make It a Game
Gaming is an effective way to get yourself to do a lot of things, and drinking water is no exception. Incentivize your new water habit by rewarding yourself when you reach milestones. Go a whole week drinking your goal every day? Treat yourself to something you don't normally get. It goes both ways too. Forget to drink enough water yesterday? No Netflix or video games until you've made up for it.

Set a Timer and Create Mental Triggers
If you're still having a hard time remembering to drink water, set a timer on your phone. Create a few alarms set to go off throughout the day and when one goes off chug a big glass of water.

Jazz Up Your Water Drinking Experience
You might be more inclined to drink water if it was a little more interesting. Try adding cucumber or fresh fruits. Using purified water will also enhance the flavors you put into the water.

Eat Your Water
Yes, food has water in it too. It may not have enough for you to only eat your daily intake of water, but there are some foods you can snack on that can help. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of water.

Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) is all about drinking more water. To learn about clean, healthy drinking water visit us at

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Reverse Osmosis Water

Clean, clear, life-giving water! Next to air, it's the substance most necessary for our survival. 70% of our total body weight is made up of water which constantly circulates, cleanses, and renews the body. Water:
  • It increases endurance and energy levels
  • It aids digestion and elimination
  • It regulates body temperature
  • It facilitates muscular and nervous activity
  • And, it provides the perfect medium to carry nutrients, oxygen, and disease fighting antibodies.

How Reverse Osmosis Works

A reverse osmosis water quality improvement system can provide clean, clear and fresh water in your home. These compact units are designed to force pressurized water through a semi-permeable membrane which rejects contaminants suspended in the water. This membrane permits passage of the improved water to a holding tank. It is then available for use for drinking, cooking, or making ice cubes.

Tips for purchasing a Reverse Osmosis

If you are considering the purchase of water quality improvement equipment, here are a few consumer tips from the Water Quality Association (WQA):
  • If you suspect you have a problem with your water, have it tested to confirm the nature and extent of the problem. For aesthetic problems like hardness, your water can be analyzed in your home by a professional such as a WQA Certified Water Specialist (CWS).
  • Be an educated consumer. Check performance capabilities, warranty, maintenance provisions, what contaminants the product reduces and to what level, and general operation.
  • Price is an important factor, but don't let it be your only criteria. Capacity, special features or company services are factors you may wish to consider in making a wise choice.
  • Look for the WQA Gold Seal on the equipment. It indicates a production model of the equipment was tested and found to meet industry performance standards.
  • Be aware that multiple water quality problems may require multiple product solutions, a "systems" approach which combines several technologies in one system.
Wise Water International is a proud distributor of Eagle Water Treatment Systems and carries an amazing 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis system. To learn more about our products please visit or call TOLL FREE 1-866-427-7757.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Does Drinking Water Help Your Hair Grow?

YES!!! Drinking adequate water will actually support your hair growth and hydrate your hair.

Water: It’s Cheap! It’s easy to get and most of all its healthy! Water hydrates the body and helps to regulate the circulatory system, which feeds the hair follicle, which then stimulates hair growth. If your hair roots are deficient in adequate water levels your tresses will eventually become dry, brittle and may stop growing.

Water helps the body to process and flush out toxins faster, which makes it a quick and easy natural method that will make your hair grow a lot faster. If you drink about 8 cups of water a day, not only will your body feel better, but your hair will get stronger. The stronger the hair, the faster that it grows. Drinking water also keeps your hair hydrated from the inside out. Hydrated hair is happy hair because, when dry, your hair is much more likely to break.

Start growing your hair today by drinking healthy water! Visit to learn more about healthy water.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

How Much Water Do You Really Need?

We hear it all the time: We should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. But is this fact or fiction?

Our bodies are 50% to 75% water and this water plays a vital role in our nutrition and well-being. It is essential to our survival. All tissues in the body need water to function properly – as water:
  • Aids in satiety
  • Averts water retention
  • Helps with digestion
  • Eliminates wastes and toxins from the body
  • Provides the body with energy
  • Wards off disease

To determine your normal hydration needs, calculate your body weight in pounds, divide it by 2 and drink that many ounces of water each day. For example, a 200 pound man should drink 100 ounces of quality water each day! If you are in a hot climate or exercising, you should increase this amount.

Athletes, military recruits, or anyone forced to work outside during the hottest part of a summer day may require more fluids than generally recommended. And if you’re already in the throes of heat illness or heat stroke, you may have an inadequate or malfunctioning thirst mechanism.

But for most of us, an easy way to gauge how well-hydrated we are is to simply look at our urine. It should be fairly clear, and if it is very dark yellow, that’s sign we may need to drink more water.

Wise Water International knows all about how much water you need! To learn more please call 1-866-427-7757.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Water vs. Soda Pop

There’s a reason nutrition experts recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day while limiting soda -- or better yet, avoiding it altogether. Water is calorie-free and hydrating and the benefits are priceless. Soda is loaded with sugar and calories, but does nothing for your health except affect it negatively. While the sweetness of the carbonated beverage may be enticing, ditch the soda pop and reach for water instead.

Today, many kids and adults sip bottled soda pop or sports drinks while on the go. But, did you know most soft drinks contain sugar and caffeine which may actually SPEED UP dehydration? Also, drinking acidic, sugary beverages all day can lead to tooth decay. Heavy soda consumption has also been linked to diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis.

If you're a regular soda drinker, making the switch from soda to water cold turkey can be difficult. Start by upping your water intake by one or two cups per day without making any other changes. As you get used to drinking more water, start cutting back on soda. If you normally drink two 12-ounce cans of soda per day, cut it down to one. If you drink one can, cut your intake down to 6 ounces. Make the transition easier by jazzing up your water. Pour yourself a glass of sparkling water and flavor it with a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime or orange.

Next time you need to quench your thirst reach for a glass of water, not a bottle of sugary soda.
Wise Water International supplies homes with clean and healthy drinking water. To learn more about us please call 1-866-427-7757 or visit

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Water vs. Vitamin Water

Vitamin-fortified waters have been extremely popular over the last few years and interest in these seemingly-healthy beverages has continued to grow exponentially. Producers of the brightly-colored drinks market them as healthy alternatives to the recently demonized sugary soft drinks, but all-too-often vitamin-enhanced waters contain similar amounts of sugar and calories as their carbonated counterparts. 

“The way that vitamin water is marketed and positioned it’s made to look more healthful than other sugary beverages, but it’s not – it’s still just a soft drink,” said Margo G. Wootan, Director of Nutrition Policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest. “It has this aura of healthfulness that is not deserved. Adding vitamins and minerals to junk food doesn’t make it healthy.”

Tap water is free and is regulated for safety by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which routinely tests for contaminants to protect the safety of the public. Considering the fact that a single bottle of vitamin-fortified water can cost you as much as $3.50, these beverages can end up costing you a pretty penny over time. To avoid breaking the bank with little bang for your buck, opt for cost-free and sugar-free drinks instead.

Would you rather drink tap water over vitamin water but are not a fan of the taste? Call 1-866-427-7757 or visit to find out how to get refreshing clean water.

Monday, 6 July 2015

How Drinking More Spring or Filtered Water Can Improve Every Facet of Your Health

With all the different types of water out there and all the hype that goes with each, it can be very easy to get confused about which types of water are really best for your health. And, if you find yourself struggling with the environmental concerns of bottled water versus the dangerous chemicals in tap water, I understand.
That's why we here at Wise Water International and Eagle Water Treatment posted this page to help clear up some confusion and help you take control of your health.

Symptoms of Dehydration

Since most of you are no longer tuned in to your bodies the way your ancestors were hundreds of years ago, you may be overlooking your body's many cries for water.
There is a silent and growing epidemic of chronic dehydration. So many suffer from it yet are simply unaware of the symptoms.
Are you one of them?
The major symptoms of dehydration are thirst, dry skin, dark colored urine and fatigue but take a look at some commonly overlooked symptoms of chronic dehydration.
They are:
  • Digestive disturbances such as heartburn and constipation
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Autoimmune disease such as chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis
  • Premature aging
  • High cholesterol
  • Weight gain

Types of Water – How Your Choice Makes the Difference

When it comes to water, there's more to choose form than simply tap versus bottled.
Let's closely examine each so you can make informed decisions about your water and your health.

Tap Water – Danger in Every Glass

Plain old tap water: It's easy. It's convenient and it comes right out of your kitchen faucet. However, as I'm sure you've heard, most tap water is contaminated with a host of pollutants that increase your risk of serious health problems.
Let's take a look at some of these contaminants and how they can adversely affect the health of you and your family.
As I've been stating in my articles about water since 2001, the level of arsenic in US tap water is incredibly high. This poisonous element is a powerful carcinogenic, which has been linked to an increased risk of the development of several types of cancer. In 2001 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lowered the maximum level of arsenic permitted in drinking water from 50 ug/L to 10 ug/L due to the established cancer risk.
The Natural Resources Defense Council estimates as many as 56 million Americans living in 25 states drink water with arsenic at unsafe levels. For more information, see the USGS website, which offers maps showing where and to what extent arsenic occurs in ground water across the United States.
You may have heard how aluminum increases your risk for Alzheimer's disease, but did you also know that the aluminum found in your municipal water supply can cause a wide variety of other health problems?
Aluminum has been linked to:
  • Hyperactvity
  • Learning disabilities in children
  • Gastrointestinal disease
  • Skin problems
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Liver disease
If you still believe fluoride in your drinking water prevents cavities and helps build strong teeth, you've fallen for a cleverly devised mass-deception.. As this recent study done on children in India shows, fluoride is anything but a cavity fighter. fluoride is a well-known toxin that actually leads to an increased risk of cavities and can cause a wide range of health problems, including weakening your immune system and accelerating aging due to cellular damage.
Prescription and OTC Drugs
You may have been told that if you dispose of your unwanted or expired prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in the trash instead of the toilet that you do not run any risk of it ending up in the water supply. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
As I mentioned in this previous article, water that drains through landfills, known as leach rate, eventually ends up in rivers. Although not all states source drinking water from rivers, many do.
According to studies, human cells do not grow normally when exposed to even minute amounts of prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Some drugs that were never meant to be combined are mixed together in the drinking water you consume every day. Millions of people have drug allergies. Are you among them? If so, how do you know the strange symptoms you've been experiencing are not due to ingesting small doses of the drugs you're allergic to from the water?
Pregnant women should be especially wary. The toxic substances you take into your body from tap water will have a negative effect on the development of your unborn child.
Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
Most tap community water supplies are treated with chlorine and although it may not be the healthiest element you can consume, it is far better for you than what is left behind.

So, Bottled Water is the Way to Go, Right?

If you're thinking you're safe from all of the harmful contaminants we have listed above because you drink bottled water instead of tap water, I'm afraid I must be the bearer of some bad news:
40 percent of bottled water is bottled TAP WATER!

Also, drinking from plastic bottles is not a good idea.
Plastic bottles contain a chemical called bisphenol A or BPA, which is a synthetic hormone disruptor that has been linked to serious health problems such as:
  • Learning and behavioral problems
  • Altered immune system function
  • Prostate and breast cancer
  • Risk of obesity
  • Early puberty in both genders
Aside from the health risks, the devastating impact bottled water has had on our ecosystem is staggering!

Distilled Water – Use with Caution

Some health conscious people have been misled into believing that distilled water is healthy for them. As we've stated before, this is simply not true.
The problem with distilled water is that it is boiled and evaporated away from its dissolved minerals. The water then becomes acidic and seeks to balance itself by drawing minerals right out of your body It will also draw out contaminants from the container it's stored in for this same reason.
What's worse, any contaminant in the water that vaporizes at a lower temperature than the water, such as volatile organic compounds, like disinfection byproducts that are thousands of times as toxic as chlorine, will be condensed and actually concentrated in the finished distilled water. So what you end up with is water that contains even more dangerous contaminants than what you started with!
We only recommend using distilled water for a short period of time and only for the purpose of detoxification, as this water can help pull toxins from your body. Drinking it long-term, however, will most likely invite health problems.

Alkaline Water

First of all, most water ionizers and alkalizers are marketed by multi-level marketing (MLM) companies with questionable ethics
Some people experience an initial "high" when they start drinking alkaline water. This can easily be attributed to detoxification, and the fact that they are likely just becoming better hydrated.
Detoxification is about the only benefit of alkaline water, and this benefit is limited to very SHORT TERM USE (no more than a week or two). An additional concern is that many individuals have stomach dysfunctions like GERD or ulcers that are largely related to having too little stomach acid. Long-term use of alkaline or ionized water can interfere with your body's natural digestive process by reducing the acid needed to properly break down and absorb food. This could then lead to an upset of your body's good bacteria, which can then open the door to parasitic infection, ulcers and malabsorption.

"Vitamin" Waters – Do NOT Be Fooled!

Vitamin waters contain dangerous high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), artificial colors, additives, preservatives and caffeine. What's even worse is these manufacturers use distilled water to make their products, which, as you've read above, is one of the worst types of water you can put into your body!
Now that you know which types of water to avoid, let's take a look at the water you should be drinking for optimal health!

Filtered Tap Water – Getting to the Gold

The most economical and environmentally sound choice you and your family can make is to purchase and install a water filter for your home. We recommend three different types of water filters and weigh the pros and cons of each. Let's take a brief look below.
Reverse Osmosis Filter
In addition to removing chlorine, inorganic, and organic contaminants in your water, an RO filter will also remove about 80 percent of the fluoride and most DPBs. The major drawback is the expense of installing an RO filter as most need a plumber to get up and running.

Ion Exchange Filter
Ion exchange is designed to remove dissolved salts in the water, such as calcium. This system actually softens the water or exchanges natural-forming mineral ions in the water with its own ions, thereby neutralizing their harmful effect of creating scale build-up.
The ion exchange system was originally used in boilers and other industrial situations before becoming popular in home purifying units, which usually combine the system with carbon for greater effectiveness.

Granular Carbon and Carbon Block Filters
These are the most common types of counter top and under counter water filters.Granular carbon filters and carbon block systems perform the same process of contaminant removal, adsorption, which is the chemical or physical bond of a contaminant to the surface of the filter media.

Granular activated carbon is recognized by the EPA as the best available technology for the removal of organic chemicals like herbicides, pesticides and industrial chemicals. However, one of the downfalls of granular carbon filters is that the loose material inside can channel--the water creates pathways through the carbon material, escaping filtering.

Carbon block filters offer the same superior filtering ability but are compressed with the carbon medium in a solid form. This eliminates channeling and gives the ability to precisely combine multiple media in a sub-micron filter cartridge. By combining different media, the ability to selectively remove a wide range of contaminants can be achieved.

Ideally, you want a filtration system that offers a variety of methods to remove different contaminants. Most systems do not address a combination of organic, inorganic, cyst, sediment and metals.
We believe we have the best family of filters that are on the market in terms of effectiveness, value, and ease of use. They are all manufactured in Canada under exclusive contract with a company specializing in advanced water treatment products, and will include both countertop and under-counter filters. 
The company is Eagle Water Treatment Systems and they are distributed by local dealers throughout Ontario.  Links to these dealers are listed below:

  • Mississauga - Eagle Industries Corp.  1-866-222-9308
  • Hamilton - Wise Water International  1-844-306-8151
  • London - Eagle Water Niagara  1-877-478-0901
  • St-Catharines - Eagle Water Niagara  1-877-478-0901
  • Vaughan - World Water Industries  1-877-566-8595 

  • How Much Water Should You Drink?

    So, how much pure filtered or spring water should you drink per day?
    Six glasses? Eight?
    Well, here's a good rule of thumb:
    You should be drinking enough water to turn your urine a light-colored yellow.
    If you are outside on a hot day or engaging in strenuous activity, it is advisable to increase your water intake as needed. It is also important to note that as you age, your thirst mechanism works less efficiently. Older adults need to pay more attention to the color of their urine to see if their water intake is adequate.

    Coconut Water and Vegetable Juicing – Adding a Little Variety

    As mentioned in a previous article, coconuts are an excellent source of fresh, pure water and electrolytes. Coconuts are also rich in lauric acid, which is known for its immune-boosting as well as its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties so it's an ideal choice when you're sick.
    An even better pure healthy water is vegetable juicing. I recommend buying pesticide-free, organic vegetables for optimal nutritional benefit.

    Health Benefits of Drinking Pure Water

    We can't say enough about the health benefits of drinking pure water. Here are only a few of the many health benefits you and your family will enjoy once you make the switch to pure water:
    • Maintain a healthy body weight
    • Properly digest food and absorb nutrients from food
    • Have healthy, glowing skin
    • Decrease muscle and joint inflammation
    • Have better circulation
    • Detoxify your body naturally
    Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) believes in drinking filtered water to improve every facet of your health. For more information about filtered water please call 1-866-427-7757.

    Friday, 3 July 2015

    Woman Drinks Gallon Of Water Every Day For Four Weeks And The Final Picture Results Are Shocking!

    Sufficient daily water intake is vital for virtually every function within our bodies yet fewer than one in five of us drinks enough. Read on to see the results of this experiment.

    Sarah Smith is a 42 year old mother of two young kids in the UK. She, like many others, openly admitted to not drinking the recommended 2 to 3 liters of water daily. She suffered from poor and sluggish indigestion and regular headaches. Following consultations with medical professionals for both issues she decided to take heed of the advice given – in both cases she had been told that she needed to up her intake of water. She decided to document and photograph what happened in a self imposed experiment whereby she would drink 3 liters, just over 5 pints, of water per day, every day for an entire month and see if she could feel any benefits.

    At the outset Sarah took a long hard look at her face noting that “I am 42, but have to admit I look more like 52 in this picture, which is shocking. There are dark shadows under and around my eyes, which make me look exhausted, a profusion of wrinkles and strange reddish blotches, and my skin lacks any lustre. It looks dead….even my lips look shrivelled.” She spread the water out during the day aiming to drink a big jug of water in the morning, another in the afternoon with a third in the evening.

    At the end of the FIRST WEEK she had already noticed that her bowel function was improved and her urine was virtually clear as the water was flushing out her previously dehydrated poorly functioning kidneys. She noticed sudden skin breakouts, which were a result of the toxins being eliminated from throughout her body. However her headaches were already gone and her previous joint stiffness first thing in the morning was vastly improved. Water is vital for lubricating the joints.

    WEEK TWO saw an improvement in her skin tone and general complexion although she noted that her eyes were still wrinkled but said “they look less crepey and shadowy than before”. She also had a visibly flatter stomach and her smart husband paid her the ultimate compliment by noting that her cellulite had vanished! Significantly she had another week headache free.

    On to WEEK THREE  when Sarah was happy to find that her eye wrinkles and dark circles had all but disappeared and her skin was plumper and healthier looking. She noted that she was actually eating less by this stage as she had fallen into the common trap of reading signals from her stomach as being hunger pangs whereas they were actually thirst pangs. Research has shown that 37 per cent of people actually mistake thirst signals for hunger signals. The plentiful water had now stopped her from continually falling into that unhealthy trap.

    So what about the end of WEEK FOUR? Sarah said “I genuinely can’t believe the difference in my face. I look like a different woman. The dark shadows around my eyes have all but disappeared and the blotches have gone. My skin is almost as dewy as it was when I was a child. The transformation is nothing short of remarkable.” She was leaner, fitter and nobody can deny the astonishing change to her appearance. She changed nothing else in her daily routine apart from the water intake. Here are the before and after photographs:

    To those already of you already converted to drinking enough water these results will merely confirm what you already know, but to anyone who is guilty of not doing so, will this persuade you to try this for yourself ?

    Wise Water International believes that drinking enough water every day is crucial to our health and well being. To learn more about water please visit or call 1-866-427-7757.

    Thursday, 2 July 2015

    Experiment: The top 10 things I learned drinking only water for a month

    For the entire month of February I drank only water as a productivity experiment. I had no caffeine-based pre-workout drink to get ready for the gym, no mid-afternoon tea, no red wine on Valentine’s Day, and no drinks on my girlfriend’s birthday–the fanciest thing I drank all month was a cup of hot water with a lemon wedge. (I’m definitely kicking myself for not picking an easier month, but hindsight is 20/20 I guess.)
    To be honest I didn’t expect to learn much from this experiment, but looking back, I learned a ton. This article is a long one, but I know you’ll get a lot out of it, and I tried to make it as skimmable as possible so you can easily skip to the parts you’re interested in.
    Without further ado, here are the top 10 lessons I learned drinking only water for an entire month!

    10. Every day you drink a whopping 400 calories

    If you’re average, every day you drink a whopping 400 calories.
    With a bit of basic arithmetic, it’s not hard to calculate how drinking more water will help you lose weight. To lose a pound of fat, you need to burn off (or have a deficit of) about 3,500 calories, though this number varies depending on how fast your metabolism is, and how much water and lean tissue you burn off as you reduce your caloric intake. That means that if you drink only water (or fluids that contain no calories), in 9 days you will lose one pound of fat. That’s equivalent to the amount of calories your body burns running at 5mph for 30 minutes every day for 9 days!
    It’s not easy to lose weight, but drinking more water has got to be one of the easiest ways out there to cut back on how many calories you consume.

    9. Know the eight triggers that motivate you to drink something

    I think one of the keys to changing your habits is recognizing what drives your behavior. Taking a second to ask yourself why you’re about to drink something is the perfect trigger to make yourself drink healthier.
    There is always a reason you drink what you do, and when you drink so much over the course of a day, being mindful of whether that reason is productive or unproductive for your health is definitely worth doing. Personally, I can think of eight reasons you drink (if you can think of any others, sound off in the comments and I’ll add them to the article!):
    1. Socially (e.g. if you’re at a party, or grabbing a coffee with someone)
    2. For energy (i.e. with caffeinated or sugary drinks)
    3. For enjoyment (e.g. a cold beer after a long day at work)
    4. For nourishment (e.g. drinking water to rehydrate)
    5. For health reasons (e.g. drinking protein shakes and fruit smoothies)
    6. Because you’re addicted (e.g. with caffeinated or sugary drinks)
    7. For pleasure (e.g. drinking a fancy bottle of red wine)
    8. For relaxation (e.g. drinking a cup of herbal tea in the evening)
    When you are about to drink something that’s unhealthy for you, chances are there is a substitute that will reward you in the same way that is much better for your health.

    8. Caffeine boosts your athletic performance

    Caffeine has been shown to significantly improve your athletic performance, which may be why more than two-thirds of 20,000 Olympic athletes studied in one report had caffeine in their bloodstream after the World Anti-Doping Agency removed it from its list of banned substances.3
    According to research, caffeine significantly improves your performance in both aerobic and weight exercises:
    • Caffeine has “been proven to increase the number of fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream, which enables people to run or pedal longer”4, which significantly improves your endurance in sports like running and cycling.
    • In one study, weightlifters performed significantly more repetitions than participants taking a placebo and “also reported feeling subjectively less tired during the entire bout and, in perhaps the most interesting finding, said that they were eager to repeat the whole workout again soon”5
    Though researchers haven’t come to a conclusion on how much caffeine you should consume before working out, I typically consume 100-150mg of caffeine (in a pre-workout drink) about 15 minutes before I hit the gym. I definitely noticed that I had a lot less energy at the gym during this experiment.

    7. What you drink profoundly affects your energy

    What you drink has a huge impact on how much energy you have. Caffeine spikes your energy levels, making you crash a few hours later. Sugary drinks do the same thing, but by spiking your blood sugar levels instead of by inhibiting adenosine reuptake. Alcohol depresses your mood, and while it helps you become more creative, I’d vehemently argue that those effects are more than offset by how much focus you’ll lose, and how easily you’ll be distracted.
    During this experiment I was pretty surprised by how stable my energy levels were after I removed sugar, caffeine, and alcohol from my diet. So much of becoming more productive is obvious in hindsight, and this lesson is definitely no exception to that rule.
    What you drink profoundly affects how much energy you have. Especially when energy serves as the fuel that you burn to be productive throughout the day, it’s worth reducing your dependance on sugary, caffeinated, and alcoholic drinks to regain control over how much energy you have throughout the day.

    6. Food has a huge impact on your energy levels as well

    Just like with what you drink, what you eat has a huge impact on your energy levels. During this experiment, once I removed all of the caffeinated, sugary, and alcoholic drinks from my diet, I realized just how much food affected my energy levels after I could isolate its effects.
    Interestingly, during the experiment I identified a few eating tactics that gave me significantly more energy to get stuff done.
    1. Eat smaller portions, more frequently. I think the most effective way to get more energy from food is to eat smaller portions, more frequently. Think of your energy reserves as a fire that burns throughout the day. It’s much easier to keep a fire going when you frequently throw in a bunch of small pieces of wood compared to when you throw in in five big logs at a time.
    2. Stay away from processed, sugary foods that will spike your blood sugar levels and then make you crash afterward.
    3. Slow the hell down. It takes your brain about 20 minutes to know when your body is full, so slow the hell down! Eating too much at once will spike your energy levels and then cause them to crash, destroying your focus and productivity later in the day.
    4. Constantly ask yourself whether you’re hungry. During the experiment, I found that constantly asking myself whether I was hungry short-circuited any urges to mindlessly overeat.
    If you’re serious about wringing every last ounce of productivity out of your daily regimen, I think you should adopt these tactics, too.

    5. Coffee and tea are just as hydrating as water

    When I was doing research for this article, this fact surprised me the most.
    Caffeine-based drinks like coffee and tea used to be considered dehydrating, but that myth has been since debunked; it turns out the “diuretic effect [that’s caused by caffeine] does not offset hydration”. Alcohol still dehydrates you, and experts recommend “at least a one-to-one ratio with water”, but you’re pretty much in the clear with caffeine-based drinks, especially if you drink them on a regular basis.

    4. Take time to be grateful for everything you have

    There are certain elements in your life, like electricity and the Internet, that are so interwoven into your routines and habits that you might forget they exist, until they’re gone.
    Drinking only water for a month was doable, but I definitely missed all of the other drinks that I frequently took for granted before the experiment began. It wasn’t until I forced myself to remove them from my life that I regretted not being grateful for them when I consumed them every day.
    Every night before I head to bed I recall three things I’m grateful for. That might seem a bit hippy-dippy on the surface, but forming a daily ritual of recalling three things you’re grateful for actually trains your brain to become happier, because you “retain a pattern of scanning the world not for the negative, but for the positive first”. Over the last few months I’ve found that the habit works wonders in making me more grateful for all of the nice things I have in my life, coffee and tea included.

    3. Water is up there with sex as one of the best things ever

    There are literally hundreds of benefits to drinking more water. In fact, I’ve frequently thought about putting together a huge-ass article listing all of the health benefits of water, and I still might.
    Here are just a few of my favorite benefits, among hundreds, of drinking more water:
    • Water fires up your metabolism. In fact, when you drink water first thing in the morning it boosts your metabolism by a whopping 24% for 90 minutes!
    • Water helps you think. Your brain is made up of 75% water, so drinking more water gives your brain more fuel to operate on.
    • You’ll eat less, since water acts as an appetite suppressant.
    • Water helps your body flush out toxins and eliminate waste products.
    • Water helps reduce the risk of many diseases and ailments, including bladder and colon cancer.
    • Water clears up your complexion. I didn’t think it was possible for me to get even more handsome until I drank water for an entire month. Within the first couple of weeks, my complexion completely cleared up and became more vibrant than ever. Water moisturizes your skin, keeping it “fresh, soft, glowing and smooth”. It also helps you get rid of wrinkles.
    • Water saves you money! I love living frugally, and last month I spent way less money going to coffee shops, bars, and other places when I only drank water. Drinking more water can save you a large amount of money–try it and see.

    2. To become more productive, drink caffeine strategically, not habitually

    If you require caffeine in order to be productive on a regular basis, you’re likely doing something wrong.
    The reason for this is simple: your body adapts to how much caffeine you regularly consume. That means that if you do not drink caffeine on a regular basis, and then have a coffee, you’ll feel really energized. But if you drink a cup of coffee every morning, your body becomes used to that amount, and that becomes your new normal. To reach a comparable caffeine high, you’ll have to consume two cups of coffee every morning, because your body will have adapted to drinking only one.
    Interestingly, I didn’t experience any caffeine withdrawal symptoms during this experiment, I think for a simple reason: for the most part, I consume caffeine strategically, not habitually. I know I am not the norm here–when 80-90% of North Americans consume caffeine on a daily basis, I’d imagine most people consume that caffeine as a part of their daily routine. But if you want to use caffeine to become more productive, it’s worth consuming it strategically; consuming caffeine before you require more focus and energy to get important things done.
    For example, I usually drink a tea or a coffee:
    • Before hitting the gym
    • Right before an important media interview, or before I give a speech
    • When I want to focus on writing (like I am right now)
    Drinking caffeine strategically instead of habitually will help you reduce your dependance on the addictive substance, and it will allow you to be much more productive.

    1. Caffeine boosts your focus, but compromises your creativity

    It is difficult to summarize all of the research out there on caffeine and productivity in a few paragraphs, but the relationship is an interesting one.
    At the end of the day, caffeine impacts your productivity in two big ways: it boosts your focus, and compromises your creativity.
    • Caffeine boosts your focus. Caffeine helps you focus on just a few things (instead of being distracted by every new thing that comes up); great for when you have to hunker down and focus on a single task.
    • Caffeine compromises your creativity. To be maximally creative, you need to give your mind time to wander. Since caffeine pushes you to direct your focus toward a few activities or tasks, it has less time to wander and think about alternative approaches to problems, and step back from your work so you can see it from an elevated perspective.
    I think two of the largest contributors to your productivity are how well you can focus, and how creative you are, because they help you work more efficiently and effectively.
    • Being able to focus helps you work more efficiently. Being able to manage your focus allows you to become more efficient at what you do, because being able to manage your attention better helps you give more of yourself to your work. As a simple example, if it takes you 4 hours to write a report when you focus 50% of your attention on it, it might take you one hour to write that same report when you devote 95% of your attention to it.
    • Being creative helps you work more effectively. I think the more creative you are, the smarter you work, because you’re able to identify the best things to work on at any given time. That helps you accomplish more in less time. When you give your mind more space to wander, it tends to come up with some pretty intelligent solutions to problems.
    The relationship between caffeine and productivity is definitely a muddled one, but I think the best advice I can give you is this: if you need to be creative in your work, try to reduce your dependance on caffeine so you give your mind a chance to wander. But if increasing your focus will help you become more productive than increasing your creativity, continue drinking caffeine.
    And at the same time, don’t forget how wonderful water can be for you.

    Wise Water International has learned a lot about drinking only water!
    Please visit us at to learn more about water.