Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Water and Depression, Stress and Anxiety
Friday, 26 June 2015
How Much Water Should a Dog Drink a Day?
Also, keep in mind that if your dog is under-drinking or over-drinking, it could be a sign of an underlying illness. Under-drinking can indicate Parvo, Leptospirosis, or Pancreatitis. Over-drinking can signify a bladder infection, another type of infection, or diabetes. Have your vet check your dog if he’s doing either.
Optimal Drinking
How much water a day should a dog drink? How much and how carefully you have to monitor him depends on several factors:
- Size: On the average, a healthy dog drinks about 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day.
- Food: A healthy diet is as important as water and the type of food your dog eats affects his water intake. Dogs that eat only dry food will need a little more water than those that eat canned. Also, avoid ingredients that can artificially increase your dog’s thirst such as sodium.
- Age: Puppies need about a 1/2 cup every two hours and need to be closely monitored. Senior dogs tend to naturally monitor themselves.
- Exercise: Bring water along on any exercise excursion with your dog. The bottles that have the drop down cup work well. After exercise, give your dog ice cubes to start and then just a little water at a time to prevent bloat.
- Weather: Summer means more panting which means an increase in water intake.
- Medications: Check with your vet to see if you need to decrease or increase your dog’s water intake while taking a medication.
Checking for Dehydration in Dogs and Overhydration in Dogs
To look for dehydration in dogs, grab a piece of skin at the back of your dog’s neck. Stretch it out, then let it go. A properly hydrated dog’s skin will snap quickly back into place, while the skin of a dehydrated dog will return slowly and form a “tent” in the process. You can also check your dog’s gums for dehydration – wet, slippery gums are healthy. Dull, sticky gums suggest dehydration.Dogs who overhydrate will often vomit, act confused or become lethargic.
Insuring Proper Hydration
Knowing the amount of water your pet should drink helps you determine if your dog is an under-drinker or an over-drinker. There are a few ways to manage these pooches:Under-Drinkers
- Behavior Modification: Whenever your dog goes to get a drink, praise him and give him a treat.
- Strategic Placement: Keep water near his bed, near his food and anywhere he normally plants himself.
- Up the Flavor: There are flavor packets such as chicken, bacon and beef that you can add to your dog’s water to make it more tempting.
- Break Out the Broth: If your dog is refusing to drink water, offer him some chicken or beef broth. Gradually add plain water into the mixture.
- Let Them Lick: “Lick” bottles, like the ones used for horses, can limit how much water your dog takes in. Also, you can monitor the amount they are drinking easily.
- Free Refills: You can still leave water out in a bowl for your dog but you need to ration it during the day. This means several refills so someone needs to be home to oblige.
- Automate It: The problem with most automatic water dispensers is they fill up whenever the water gets low so you can’t control the amount. One option is to use an automatic feeder instead, the kind that opens separate compartments at specified times.
- What’s Up Doc: For nighttime control, try using a rabbit water feeder in your dog’s crate.
Clean Water For All
To help insure that the water supply for both humans and canines is protected, you can do one simple action – clean up after your dog. And by providing a healthy diet and the right amount of clean water to your pooch, you can prevent illness and promote health. For as Mark Twain says, “Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody.”Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) believe in keeping our pets hydrated as well as ourselves. Please visit www.wisewaterint.com for ways to hydrate your pets with clean healthy drinking water.
Thursday, 25 June 2015
What percent Earth is water??
For those of us confined to living on the surface, the fact that our world is mostly covered in water is a well known fact. But how much of our planet is made up of water, exactly? Like most facts pertaining to our world, the answer is a little more complicated than you might think, and takes into account a number of different qualifications.
In simplest terms, water makes up about 71% of the Earth’s surface, while the other 29% consists of continents and islands.
To break the numbers down, 96.5% of all the Earth’s water is contained within the oceans as salt water, while the remaining 3.5% is freshwater lakes and frozen water locked up in glaciers and the polar ice caps. Of that fresh water, almost all of it takes the form of ice: 69% of it, to be exact. If you could melt all that ice, and the Earth’s surface was perfectly smooth, the sea levels would rise to an altitude of 2.7 km.
Aside from the water that exists in ice form, there is also the staggering amount of water that exists beneath the Earth’s surface. If you were to gather all the Earth’s fresh water together as a single mass (as shown in the image above) it is estimated that it would measure some 1,386 million cubic kilometers (km3) in volume.
Meanwhile, the amount of water that exists as groundwater, rivers, lakes, and streams would constitute just over 10.6 million km3, which works out to a little over 0.7%. Seen in this context, the limited and precious nature of freshwater becomes truly clear.
But how much of Earth is water — how much water contributes to the actual mass of the planet? This includes not just the surface of the Earth, but inside as well. Scientists calculate that the total mass of the oceans on Earth is 1.35 x 1018 metric tonnes, which is 1/4400 the total mass of the Earth. In other words, while the oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, they only account for 0.02% of our planet’s total mass.
The origin of water on the Earth’s surface, as well as the fact that it has more water than any other rocky planet in the Solar System, are two of long-standing mysteries concerning our planet.
Not that long ago, it was believed that our planet formed dry some 4.6 billion years ago, with high-energy impacts creating a molten surface on the infant Earth. According to this theory, water was brought to the world’s oceans thanks to icy comets, trans-Neptunian objects or water-rich meteoroids (protoplanets) from the outer reaches of the main asteroid belt colliding with the Earth.
However, more recent research conducted by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, has pushed the date of these origins back further. According to this new study, the world’s oceans also date back 4.6 billion years, when all the worlds of the inner Solar System were still forming.
This conclusion was reached by examining meteorites thought to have formed at different times in the history of the Solar System. Carbonaceous chondrite, the oldest meteorites that have been dated to the very earliest days of the Solar System, were found to have the same chemistry as those originating from protoplanets like Vesta. This includes a significance presence of water.
These meteorites are dated to the same epoch in which water was believed to have formed on Earth – some 11 million years after the formation of the Solar System. In short, it now appears that meteorites were depositing water on Earth in its earliest days.
While not ruling out the possibility that some of the water that covers 71 percent of Earth today may have arrived later, these findings suggest that there was enough already here for life to have begun earlier than thought.
On ways to treat the Earth's water please visit www.wisewaterint.com.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
New Water Bottle Ban in City Parks and Facilities
The ban provides exceptions for public health and safety related situations, previous lease agreements and ALL authorized special events in City facilities and parks. Water bottles may still be sold or distributed at these locations:
List of exempted parks and facilities (PDF)
The water bottle ban will support the City's broader waste diversion goals, reduce litter in our parks and lower waste disposal costs for the City.
We recommend that permit holders for our sports fields and facilities do the following when using park locations included in the ban:
- Inform participants of their sports programs to bring their own refillable water bottles to
the park - Encourage coaches to support players by providing water jugs to refill their bottles
- Notify coaches and program participants that water bottles can also be filled at water fountains, where available.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Q: If water bottles are recyclable, why are they being banned?A: While water bottles are recyclable, they still require a significant amount of energy to manufacture, transport and eventually recycle. The reuse of durable water bottles is preferable in energy usage to recycling. This is critical for the City of Toronto, which is currently taking aggressive action to reduce its carbon footprint as outlined in the Climate Change,
Q: How does the use of water bottles specifically impact Parks?
A: The 2008 Parks Waste Audit indicated that recyclables compose approximately 14% of the litter stream, making the disposal of waste difficult and potentially costly. Plastic materials comprised the largest amount of recyclables at roughly 7%. The reduction of plastic bottles in our parks would reduce contamination of the litter stream and reduce the cost of dealing with contaminated loads that are not accepted at transfer stations.
Q: Why are some parks and park facilities exempt from the ban?
A: Parks, Forestry & Recreation was asked by City Council to identify specific sites that require an exemption from the ban. The final list of exempted parks and park facilities was based on the following criteria for exemption:
1. Location does not have potable water
2. Location does not have functioning water fountains
3. Location does not have sufficient water fountains or taps for the number of users
4. Location has existing leases or agreements with vendors who sell bottled water.
Q: Are other municipalities also implementing water bottle bans?
A: Numerous municipalities across Canada already have water bottle bans or restrictions in place in facilities and/or parks, including: Ajax,
Wise Water International supports the ban of bottled water. Lets do our part to help the environment. For ways to help please visit www.wisewaterint.com.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Bad Mood, Low Energy? There Might Be a Simple Explanation....
The small study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, tested mood, concentration and mental skills in 25 women who either were given enough fluids to remain optimally hydrated or were induced into a mildly dehydrated state. Dehydration was achieved through either exercise alone or by using both exercise and a diuretic drug that increased urination.
The women’s mood and cognitive abilities were tested during exercise and at rest under the different hydration conditions. On most mental tests, the women’s state of hydration didn’t affect performance, but being dehydrated did cause
Although men weren’t included in the research, the results likely apply to them as well. So if you’re feeling a bit snarky or blah, it might make sense to hit the watercooler or have another type of refreshing drink — especially after a workout. Keep in mind that plain water or other nonalcoholic and caffeine-free drinks are best for fighting dehydration.
While the old maxim about drinking eight glasses of water a day has been widely debunked as myth, this and other research suggests that maintaining good hydration (if not quite that much!) is healthy.
Wise Water International believes drinking more water will boost your mood and your energy.
To learn more please call 1-866-427-7757 or visit www.wisewaterint.com.
Monday, 22 June 2015
What do we use water for?
But water is not only used for domestic purposes, humans also use water in the industries and in agriculture. In agriculture water is mainly used to water crops, but in the industries it serves many different purposes. It can serve as an ingredient of a product we produce, but it can also be a part of the whole production process. Water can be used to cool substances in the production process, for transportation and conditioning of raw materials, for boiling or cooking, for flushing, as a
How much water does a person use each day?
Americans use an average of 168 litres a person each day. For Dutch people this is about 135 litres. This water is used for different purposes.In this pie
If we take into account the water that is used by industries, businesses and institutions an American uses an average of 650 gallons each day.
How long can water be stored?
If stored properly, water in 3-litre and 5-litre containers can be stored for approximately two years. Smaller containers of 1 litre up to 2.5 litres of water are made with a thinner grade of plastic and can be stored for approximately six months. They cannot be stored as long, because they are very susceptive to penetrating odours.How should water be stored?
One should pay special attention to how water is stored. Water should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place and it should be stored away from cleaning supplies and other chemicals. Water can pick up odours from other substances that we cannot detect in the air, so one should always pay attention to the properties of other substances that are stored with the water.Why does tap water often smell like chlorine?
Drinking water has to be protected from microrganisms and contaminants that can enter the water through the pipelines that transport it to households. This happens by means of disinfection with various disinfection agents, chlorine being the most widely used one. Chlorine is a very effective disinfectant, which is used to kill any harmful bacteria that might be present in the water source. The amount of chlorine that is used is based on the amount of water that is treated, the amount of contaminants that must be controlled and the time it takes for the water to reach the first house. Chlorine levels are usually low, but in some rural areas there are more dangers to drinking water and the levels of chlorine that are used are a bit higher. People can than smell it when they tap water.When one's tap water smells like chlorine it does not mean a danger to the people that drink it. Chlorine levels used in drinking water are not high enough to form a serious threat to anyone's health.
If the water has a chlorine smell, it may actually indicate that not enough chlorine is being added to the system. By increasing the amount of chlorine used at the treatment plant, different forms of chlorine are created in the water, which diminish chlorine odours.
Have purified water on hand at all times with an Eagle Water Reverse Osmosis System. No need to store bottled water. To learn more about the Eagle Water Reverse Osmosis System please call 1-866-427-7757 or visit www.wisewaterint.com.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Dehydration Can Cause Chronic Pain
Prevention is simple and many of the signs and symptoms can be reversed simply by regularly drinking enough pure water to remain adequately hydrated.
Do you experience chronic pain?... In your joints, muscles, stomach, gut, or back; or perhaps you have frequent headaches or chronic
There are about a hundred trillion cells in the human body and, when the body lacks sufficient water, cells begin to dry up and wrinkle, causing their inner processes to malfunction.
The human body is approximately 75% water and 25% solid matter. The brain is about 85% water and is extremely sensitive to any depletion of its water content. It's estimated that about 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
This is an especially serious concern among the elderly because, as we age, our thirst perception diminishes. More than one-third of people have a weak enough thirst urge that they misread it as hunger! Thirst is a poor way of monitoring your water needs because a dry mouth sensation means your body has already become dehydrated.
Signs and symptoms can include:
- increasing thirst
- dry mouth
- weakness or fatigue
- lightheadedness (especially if worse on standing)
- darkening of the urine
- a decrease in urination frequency or amount
Some Health Issues That Often Get Labeled As Disease
May Actually Be a Crisis Complication of Dehydration.
May Actually Be a Crisis Complication of Dehydration.
- Allergies occur when antibody production is suppressed during dehydration, and the decreased antibody supply is inadequate to deal with foreign agents such as pollen.
Histamine activity is increased as an emergency measure for the secretion of fluids onto the membranes covering the eyes and nasal passages. This 'water rinse' is the only way to get rid of the pollen that is not neutralized because of the suppressed antibody production. - Asthma is often a crisis response to the condition of being chronicly dehydrated. Histamine is an important neurotransmitter that regulates the thirst mechanism and establishes a system of water rationing in a dehydrated body.
When the body isn't sufficiently hydrated, histamine production increases and is released into the lungs, causing the bronchioles attached to the air sacs to constrict in an effort to conserve water that normally evaporates during breathing. Histamine also stimulates the production of thick mucus that partially plugs the bronchioles as a protective mechanism to keep them from drying up from exposure to the outside air.
Replenishing the body's water supply causes the histamine to disappear from these areas, thereby relieving the 'asthmatic' symptoms. Dr. Batmanghelidj also recommends using salt as a vital part of treatment. He states that salt breaks up mucus, rendering it watery and stringy and able to be expulsed as sputum when water is plentiful. - Arthritis means 'joint inflammation'. All joint surfaces are padded with cartilage, a tissue containing a large amount of water. Cartilage separates the bony surfaces of the joint, allowing the opposing surfaces to glide smoothly.
When cartilage starts to dry out, gliding produces greater friction and shearing stress. The cartilage becomes damaged and sets up a process of inflammation that leads to pain and stiffness. - High
Blood Pressure - 'Essential hypertension' is often the result of gradually established dehydration.The less water there is in the body, the more (blood) pressure is needed to hydrate vital cells.
- Cholesterol - Elevated cholesterol is often a direct result of chronic dehydration. When the inner environment of cells start to dry out, the
cell membranes have to be sealed off to prevent further seepage of water. This defense mechanism causes the liver to produce more cholesterol, a waxy substance that helps to 'waterproof' the cell membrane. - Chronic Pain may be an indication of localized thirst - a warning of dehydration in a specific area. This may manifest as a migraine headache, joint pain, back pain, or several other pain indicators.
- Constipation - The small intestines liquefy solid foods so that nutrients can be taken up into the bloodstream and delivered to the liver for processing. Once the nutrients are extracted, the colon (large intestine) and the end of the small intestine reabsorb most of the water for use in other parts of the body.
When the body is low on water, the motility of the lower intestines slows down to allow more time for reabsorption of water from the fecal contents. This water-preservation method results in chronic constipation, which can predispose a person to cancer of the colon and rectum. Depression often results from insufficient levels of the neurotransmitter, serotonin. Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, must be able to reach the brain in order to be converted to serotonin.
Dehydration can interfere with the transport of tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier. Also, when there is not enough water to adequately detoxify the body, the liver uses more tryptophan as an antioxidant, causing a shortage for the production of serotonin.- Insomnia - Melatonin is a tryptophan by-product that aids in regulating the sleep cycle. Therefore, when tryptophan is deficient because of the complications of being dehydrated, it can result in insomnia.
- Gout is a condition where uric acid crystals collect in some joints, causing pain. Uric acid is a product of incomplete protein
metabolism and appears to be associated with the advanced complications of dehydration. - Diabetes
- Autoimmune dysfunctions
- Headaches
- Heartburn and Dyspepsia
- Hiatal hernia
- Osteoporosis
- Kidney stones
- Lower back pain
- Hot flashes
Some of the many other health issues that can be a complication of chronic dehydration are:
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Water and Your Attitude
Constantly crabby? Then make more stops to the water cooler. Habitual high-volume H2O consumption led to a better mood and a significant decrease in fatigue and sleepiness, finds new research from France.
In the study, 30 people who drank little water each day—less than 1.2 liters—were asked to increase their water intake to more than 2.5 liters for three days. Not only were people getting their thirst quenched, but also participants reported feeling less fatigued, less confused, and more satisfied overall with their mood at the end of the study.
Researchers also flipped the script and had 22 people who regularly drank lots of water decrease their consumption. The reverse happened: Lowering how much water they drank worsened participants’ moods, leading to negative effects such as headaches, confusion, and fatigue, says study author Nathalie Pross, Ph.D.
So you know dehydration is bad for your body during exercise, but how does it rankle your mood 24/7? While it’s still unclear, previous research from the University of Connecticut found that even mild dehydration affects the cognitive performance of men. Researchers believe one reason might be that neurons in your noggin detect an electrolyte imbalance or dehydration, and that affects parts of the brain regulating your mood.
The bottom line: Aim to drink 2.5 liters of water—about 8 to 10 glasses—each day and you might just stop snapping at others around the office. .
Eagle Water stays happy with purified water! To learn more please visit www.wisewaterint.com.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Allergy Symptoms: Another Good Reason to Drink Water.
We all know how essential water is. It’s vital to almost every body function – from suppressing appetite to regulating temperature to aiding digestion. A body well-hydrated with water just works more efficiently. Of course that means that not being well hydrated, more commonly known as being dehydrated, means “your body doesn’t have enough water and other fluids to carry outs its normal functions.” What we may not know is that drinking water may help fight allergy symptoms.
Dehydration can result in some very serious health problems. One can live much longer without food than water. Other less well known effects of chronic dehydration may include hypertension, asthma, allergies and migraine headaches. So what exactly is the connection between allergies and water? The answer is histamines.Allergies are caused by a histamine reaction in the body. If you suffer from hay fever for instance, your body views pollen as a dangerous invader and over reacts and causes your immune system to produce histamines to fight the irritants. This results in the watery eyes, runny noses and sneezing associated with seasonal allergies. In other words, the annoying symptoms of allergies are actually our bodies fighting off the “invasion” of pollen, or mold or dust.
Histamines also have other functions, including regulating the body’s water supply. A 1995 Dutch study confirmed that dehydration triggers histamine production as a defensive mechanism to preserve water remaining in the body as well as to prevent future loss. When we are dehydrated, histamine production increases and can cause us to have the symptoms of seasonal allergies such as runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes.
Revving up histamine production for lack of water is easily avoided by drinking more. Thirst is one of the last signs of dehydration and since dehydration can cause the brain to become a little confused, we often mistake the “thirsty” signal for a “hungry” signal. So we reach for food instead of water – not what the body really needs. Try a glass of water first. It may also thin nasal mucus which can provide allergy relief. Hot steaming drinks also help – but stick with healthy teas and broths.
Not only are allergies annoying but they can really put a crimp in your lifestyle. Pharmaceuticals loaded with anti-histamines can do a number on you as well; side effects can range from dry mouth to nausea and vomiting.
A 2010 Yale University study even found that people taking antihistamines on a regular basis were heavier than those who did not (they did not conclude that they actually caused weight gain, the study was observational only). Given all the possible side effects of pharmaceutical aids it seems that anything one can do to naturally prevent allergy attacks is prudent. So:
- Drink plenty of water which may help prevent higher histamine production.
- Eat plenty of foods containing natural anti-histamines – they’re good for your general health as well.
- Keep all-natural allergy relief handy – like Allergease.
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Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Does Drinking More Water Help Dry Eyes?
Your gender, age, climate, work environment and habits can make you vulnerable to dry eyes. The symptoms of dry eyes, redness, itchiness and burning, are uncomfortable and distracting. Mild dehydration can make the symptoms of dry eyes even worse.
One of the most common complaints eye doctors hear from patients is dry eyes. The glands in the eye do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. While it may seem contradictory, sometimes watery eyes can be a symptom of dry eyes. The eyes try to compensate for the dryness by overproducing tears. The lack of balanced lubrication results in eyes that are red, itchy and burn. Dry-eye sufferers commonly report feeling that something is in their eye.
Who is susceptible
While dry eyes affect a variety of people, certain people are more prone than others. Women seem to suffer from dry eyes more than men due to decreased tear production caused by hormonal changes throughout life. As they age, both men and women tend to experience dry eyes. Windy and dry climates often dry out eyes. Smokers, coffee drinkers, contact lens wearers and those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer or in a heated or air conditioned environment also tend to complain of dry eyes.
Drinking more water can help dry eyes. Dry eyes may be a signal that your body is dehydrated. The recommended amount of water is 8-10 glasses every day. However, you may have to drink more than the recommended amount to get relief from dry eyes, especially if you regularly drink diuretics such as coffee or other caffeinated beverages or live in a dry or windy climate. Sufficient water is vital for our body systems to function and necessary for our eyes to produce tears. Tears keep the mucous membrane covering the eye, the conjunctiva, moist and contain a neutralizing enzyme that combats infection. For optimal relief from dry eyes, drink the recommended amount of water every day.
In addition to drinking water, try to minimize or eliminate environmental factors and habits that put you at risk for dry eyes. If you live in a dry or windy climate, wear sunglasses. Quit smoking and drink caffeinated beverages in moderation. Contact lens wearers should not wear their contacts longer than recommended. If you stare at a computer screen for the majority of the day, make a conscious effort to blink and periodically look away from the screen to give your eyes a rest.
Consult with your eye doctor to determine whether additional treatment is needed for your dry eyes. If your symptoms do not improve by drinking more water alone, your eye doctor may diagnose you with "dry eye syndrome," a chronic lack of lubrication on the surface of the eye. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your eye doctor may recommend over-the-counter artificial tears, prescription eye drops or procedural intervention. Dry eyes can also be a side effect of many medications. Your doctor may need to adjust the dosage, or together you can weigh the pros and cons of the medication. Chronic dry eyes can be an indication of a disease process, so let your eye doctor know if your symptoms persist.
Here at Wise Water International we believe in putting purified water into our bodies to help us heal, keep us healthy and to keep our eyes moist. For more information about Wise Water International please visit our website at www.wisewaterint.com.
Monday, 15 June 2015
Drinking a good amount of water every day can lower your risk of a heart attack.
Drinking a good
amount of water could lower your risk of a heart attack. A six year study
published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drank
more than 5 glasses of water a day were 41 percent less likely to die from a
heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than 2 glasses a
The American Journal of Epidemiology
study broke it down even further to find out that guys who drank five or more
glasses of water had only a 46% chance of having a fatal heart attack, and
women had only 59% risk, compared to people who drank two or less glasses of
water daily. It gets even
better (or worse, depending on how you look at it). Women who drank two or less
glasses of something other than water – such as tea, a soft drink, or juice –
had a 147% greater risk for a fatal heart attack than women who drank
five or more glasses of water. (Guys, you had a 46% greater risk if you skipped
the water for another drink.)
Now, if those
stats confuse you, I’ll sum it up: drink more water and reduce your risk for a
heart attack. Even after
researchers adjusted for other risk factors, these numbers still held intact. Researchers
here looked at coronary heart disease and fluid intake stats in 8,280 male and
12,017 female participants. Overall, these participants had 246 “coronary heart
disease events” (128 in men and 118 in women) over the six-year follow-up
period. More than any
other factor in this study, water intake determined fatal heart disease risk.
According to
lead researcher Dr. Jacqueline Chan, this was the “first study to record the
association between high water intake and reduced risk of coronary heart
disease. By drinking more plain water, healthy people… reduced their risk of
dying from a heart attack by half or more.” Chan notes
there isn’t much evidence about the eight-glasses rule. She still wants people
not to rely on tea, coffee, and other diuretics that can raise blood viscosity,
and focus instead on plain water.
Consider the
statistics and you’ll understand her position.
Your body is
about 83% water, your brain and muscles are about three-quarters water, and
even your bones pack 22% water. Water contributes to every single metabolic
process in your body, including absorbing nutrients and removing toxic waste. Dehydration,
on the other hand, can elevate at least four independent risk factors for heart
disease: whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, and fibrinogen.
Heart attacks occur more frequently in the morning, when your blood is thicker
because of water loss while you’re sleeping. I don’t know
about you, but that’s enough reason for me to crank up my water quota.
If you’re
shaking your head that doing so is impossible, here is an easy
tip to meet your water quota. Purchase an Eagle
Water Filtration System from Wise Water International and you won’t even have
to worry about those pesky chemicals leaching from plastic water bottles. Your water will taste better and you will want to drink more water. Give
us a call today at 1-866-427-7757 and we will provide you with a free in home
water quality evaluation. Best of all your water will taste a lot better and you’ll stay hydrated
and provide the countless benefits water provides for you and your family.Friday, 12 June 2015
Water and Sanitation
Plan works with communities to improve access to safe drinking water and to raise awareness of the importance of waste management.
More than 2.2 million children die every year – that’s four every minute – as a result of diarrhea caused by poor sanitation and hygiene.
Every year Plan helps communities build 2,000 school latrines and in the last three years has helped families and communities build an average 100,000 toilets per year, benefiting several million people.
We also provide water points in communities and schools, especially in rural areas, and establish community-based organizations to ensure the continued management and maintenance of water points.
Billions of people lack access to basic sanitation and are forced to defecate out in the open, contaminating food and water supplies.
In Asia and East and Southern Africa, Plan is pioneering a radical new approach – Community-Led Total Sanitation – which educates communities about the importance of sanitation and helps them to construct and maintain their own latrines. They also gain the confidence to enforce a total ban on open defecation.
Wise Water believes in providing clean water to residents. For more information please contact us at 1-866-427-7757 or visit us at www.wisewaterint.com.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
The effects of hard water when it comes to cooking and cleaning.
The characteristics of water used in the production and preparation of food are quite important. National, state and local regulatory authorities require the use of potable water in food production. Potable water standards are defined by the Environmental Protection Agency as listed by National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations that deal with health. The safety of water for human consumption will always be the most important consideration.
Characteristics of Water Hardness
Potable water, however, may possess soluble minerals such as calcium and magnesium that are of significant importance. These ions form precipitates with bicarbonates in water when it is heated, and with sulfates when water is evaporated from solution. This phenomenon is known as water hardness. The hardness of water may be expressed quantitatively in terms of parts per million (ppm) for calcium, ppm of calcium carbonate, and grains calcium carbonate per gallon of water. Based on grains of carbonate per gallon, water is classified as follows:
Soft: 1 to 4 grains per gallon
Medium: 5 to 10 grains per gallon
Hard: 11 to 20 grains per gallon
Hard water is also sometimes classified as temporarily hard or permanently hard. Temporarily hard water is softened when the water is boiled. Soluble carbonates are converted to insoluble carbonates, and the unwanted ions are removed from the water. However, these precipitated carbonates form a deposit on equipment in homes and plants using hard water. This "scale" can act as an insulating layer against efficient heat transfer and may eventually clog valves and pipes in homes and food production facilities. These deposits can harbor bacteria, thus making it quite difficult to clean and sanitize equipment. Boiling cannot soften permanently hard water. Sulfates and chlorides of magnesium or calcium cause this type of water hardness.
Cooking Fruits and Vegetables in Hard Water
When fruits and vegetables are heated (cooked) in water, the amount of calcium ions in the water will influence the textural properties of the products. For example, calcium ions may form insoluble salts (calcium pectates) that are beneficial for maintaining firmness in cooked fruits and vegetables. However, if there is an excessive amount of calcium ions in the water, the fruits and vegetables may become excessively tough, and dried beans and dried peas will be difficult to rehydrate when cooked.
Cleaning with Hard Water
Hard water is also a problem in households and manufacturing facilities when it influences the ability soaps and detergents to form lather or "suds." For these reasons, chemical water softener treatments have been developed to eliminate the calcium and magnesium ions. Washing soda ( a laundry aid), Na2Co3, an alkaline salt is often used to precipitate the calcium or magnesium ions as insoluble calcium or magnesium carbonate. Polyphosphate salts also soften water by binding calcium or magnesium ions.
Ion-exchange water-softening systems may also be installed in homes and businesses as a way to remove unwanted ions from water. When this method is used, water is allowed to pass through a bed of insoluble granular material that removes calcium or magnesium ions from the water in exchange for sodium or hydrogen ions. When zeolites (hydrous silicates) are used, sodium ions from the zeolite are exchanged for calcium or magnesium ions of the water. When the chemical can bind no more calcium, the complex is regenerated by flushing it with a solution of sodium chloride, which removes the calcium or magnesium ions and replaces them with sodium ions. If resins instead of zeolite are used, hydrogen ions rather than sodium ions replace the calcium and magnesium ions.
Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) believe that cleaning and cooking with the proper water is very important. Find out more information at www.wisewaterint.com or call 1-866-427-7757.
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
You win some, you lose some. Don't forget to replenish your body with water.
So how much water should you drink before, during, and after a workout? First, make sure you’re well hydrated to begin with. Drink fluids throughout the day before you exercise. Then follow this formula from Melton:
- One to two hours before your workout, drink 15 to 20 ounces of water
- 15 minutes before you begin, drink between 8 and 10 ounces of water
- During your workout, drink another 8 ounces every 15 minutes.
Carlson also recommends that you weigh yourself before and after any type of exercise. “For every pound lost, replace it with 16 to 20 ounces of fluid,” she suggests. If you lose weight during the workout, drink a bit more next time.
Many people like to use sports drinks during a workout, but that’s generally not necessary unless you’re working out for an extended period of time. “Most people who are working out for less than an hour at a time can get everything they need with just water,” Melton says.
Can You Drink Too Much Water?
It’s possible to drink too much water, but difficult to do. There is a condition called hyponatremia, usually found in endurance athletes. With hyponatremia, the blood becomes excessively diluted from too much water and sodium levels drop to dangerously low levels. This can lead to nausea, headaches, confusion, fatigue, and in extreme cases, coma and death.
But you’d have to drink gallons of water to suffer hyponatremia – enough to gain weight over the course of a workout, which is rare.
Just make sure you have a full water bottle handy and drink whenever you feel thirsty. If you weren’t getting enough water during workouts before, you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel.
You can improve your performance simply by drinking enough water!
Eagle Water Treatment Systems believes in replenishing our bodies with purified water everyday. Visit www.wisewaterint.com for more information or give us a call at 1-866-427-7757.
Monday, 8 June 2015
20 Delicious Detox Waters to Cleanse Your Body and Burn Fat
Whether you’re trying to lose weight or you simply want to look and feel healthier, one of the best ways to rid your body of harmful toxins is to drink water. Just 6 to 8 glasses every day will help to keep you hydrated and keep your vital organs in their best possible health.
You don’t have to drink plain water, however. In fact, there are a number of things that you can add to your water that will not only boost the taste, they will help to flush those harmful toxins out of your body.
Detox waters have become very popular and there are many different recipes that you can make. We’ve collected 20 of the best for taste and health benefits. These waters contain ingredients like lemon which helps to flush harmful toxins from your body, mint which aids in digestion, cucumber which contains anti-inflammatory properties and ginger which is a natural pain reliever and aids in digestion.
Some waters contain melon, raspberries and other ingredients that are equally as healthy and beneficial. If you have been thinking about adding detox waters to your healthy routine, we have the recipes for you. They are all very easy to make, require very few ingredients and the best part is you can mix and match ingredients to adapt the recipes to your personal taste.
Slim Down Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Skinnymom
Fruity Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Clarkisit
Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Mom2mycrazy2
New Year Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Fourandknowmore
Strawberry Infused Vitamin Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Dailyperricone
Fat Burning Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Raininghotcoupons
Cucumber Lemon Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Theskinnyfork
Aloe Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Diynetwork
Lemon and Ginger Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Skinnyms
Simple Morning Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit - Shape
Master Cleanse Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Yourpathtowholeness
Peppermint Grapefruit Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Peanutbutterandpeppers
Pineapple Sugarcane Spa Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Aspicyperspective
Jillian Michaels Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Maybeiwill
Stress Relieving Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Blenderbabes
Blueberry Orange Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Thepeachkitchen
Raspberry and Mint Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Sammyandbella
Watermelon Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Loveandconfections
Day Spa Mango Ginger Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Loseweightbyeating
Blackberry Peach Detox Water - Detailed Recipe Instructions and Project Credit – Caroselloblog
Eagle Water believes in many different ways of enjoying reverse osmosis water! To learn more about Eagle Water Systems please visit our website at www.wisewaterint.com.
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Sunday, 7 June 2015
The Eagle Water Treatment Systems convention a huge success in Quebec City
The Eagle Water Treatment Convention once again
lived up to its reputation as one of the pre-eminent water treatment conferences
in Canada. With participation from over 100 members of the Eagle family including
dealers and distributors from across Canada, the 2015 convention held at the
beautiful Palace Royal located in Quebec City was a huge success.
The convention featured a number of opportunities
to hear from senior company executives of Eagle Water Treatment throughout the daylong
event. The highlight of the convention
was the new product launch which showcased the new Platinum and Titanium water
treatment line from Eagle. This new product line from Eagle was received with
huge applause and during the unveiling of the products for the first time most
of the attendees were left in awe. The products clearly demonstrate the
overwhelming commitment made by Eagle Water Treatment Systems to invest for the
future and provide a product to Eagle customers that is second to none in the
water treatment industry in Canada.
A glamorous gala awards banquet was held in the
evening which recognized the outstanding achievements of key Eagle employees
and top producers throughout Canada. Distributors came from as far away as Surrey
British Columbia to attend the convention as well as offices from Quebec and
Eagle Water Treatment products are sold throughout
Canada by local distributors with 17 offices in three provinces. Please feel
free to visit our website at www.eaglewaterquality.com
for more information and to locate a distributor in your area.
New Eagle Platinum Product Launch. |
Attendees from across Canada. |
Gala Awards Banquet. |
Friday, 5 June 2015
London, Ontario's City Council has passed a resolution that effectively bans the sale of bottled water within munic...
London, Ontario’s City Council has passed a resolution that effectively bans the sale of bottled water within municipal buildings and facilities where municipal water is readily available.
In passing its resolution, London City Council said the importance of promoting city tap water as safe and a bargain compared to bottled water.
London joins a host of other Ontario municipalities that have either limited the use, or are considering limiting the use of bottled water on municipal premises or in schools, including Cambridge, Kitchener, Ottawa, Sault Ste Marie, St. Catharines, Sudbury, Toronto, the Town of the Blue Mountains, and Waterloo.
Concern over the sale and use of bottled water is growing internationally given its cost, the poor recycling rate for single use plastic bottles, and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing the bottles and transporting those bottles long distances.
“The City of London’s actions remind us once again that only municipal tap water delivers,” said Nick Benkovich, president of the Ontario Municipal Water Association. “At about one thousand times the cost of municipal water, bottled water is simply not good value for money. Municipal drinking water has to meet a much higher safety standard than bottled water and is delivered at a fraction of the cost.”
Wise Water International (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) agree with the ban of bottled water. To find out more information on the safety of drinking water please contact us at 1-866-427-7757.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Not only do we here at Wise Water International think that drinking water is important but the celebrities do to.....
Here is what some of them had to say about water...
"I have alkaline water filters in my kitchen sink and on my shower heads, so it’s purified and alkaline. I learned about the benefits of alkaline in your body from studying nutrition, and there are many ways to do it — drinking alkaline water is one of them.” —Miranda Kerr
“Once I drink the water, I feel it immediately. I go from being a wilted plant to one that has been rejuvenated by the rain.” —Cameron Diaz
"I try to take care of myself, drinking at least a gallon of water with lemon a day." —BeyoncĂ©
"Drink water, stay hydrated and sleep. It's so boring, yet so simple." —Jennifer Aniston
"Your body is so happy when you drink water." —Cindy Crawford
"Full of healing power #ILoveWater." —Gwyneth Paltrow
“I drink lots of water." —Claudia Schiffer
"I drink three liters of water a day." —Elle MacPherson
"Water! Gallons of water!" —Karlie Kloss
"I try to drink a gallon of water a day, and I try to get in 32 ounces with breakfast." —Gabrielle Union
“I just think it’s good to just take care of yourself and get massages and drink water." —Paris Hilton
"I’ll drink a lot of water." —Joan Smalls
"I think it’s very important to drink lots of water." —Victoria Beckham
"Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is so '90s." —Nicole Richie
"I drink a lot of water." —Kim Kardashian
"It tastes fairly disgusting. But it's fantastic for your digestive system. Swig whenever you start to dream about toast and Marmite." —Elizabeth Hurley
"Everyone says it, but I drink a lot of water." —Julianne Moore
"I'm on this kick where I'm gonna try to drink 64 ounces a day. It's so hard. I can get the first 32 down, no problem. That second bottle is tough but when I do, I feel different." —Courteney Cox"Drink water between meals instead of with them so that the digestive juices will not be diluted." —Jane Fonda
"I LOVE drinking water. It's really good for you too. Did u know u are supposed to have at least 32 ounces before lunch??" —Tyra Banks
"The only thing I really love is Fiji water. That's like the only crazy request — I don't like any other water." —Kelly Rowland
"When you have no more water, you have no more life." —Pharrell Williams
"The first thing I do is have hot water with lemon and probiotics." —Naomi Campbell
"Drinking water works." —Doutzen Kroes
"After the ceremony, the family and guests, including Brad’s parents William and Jane and his brother Doug and sister Julie, ate a home cooked meal outside in the garden and drank Bosnian rose water, Angelina’s favorite drink. " —The Telegraph, on Angelina Jolie
"I've Been Drinking Distilled Water For So Long That When I Drink Normal Water It Feels Like I'm Swallowing Huge Chunks Of Aluminum." —Jaden Smith
"Water is so boring! But that’s all I drink." —Tom Ford
If you would like some more information on your drinking water please give us here at Wise Water International a distributor of Eagle Water Treatment Systems a call at 1-866-427-7757 for your FREE water test!
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Eagle Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis Cooler - CW-698 distributed by Wise Water International.
A Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System for the office, business, industry and even your home.
CW-698 Free Standing R.O. SystemIt is our pleasure to introduce you to our water distributor that can be installed in an office, an industry or even your home. With an electronic control to distribute cold and hot water 24 hours per day, this is the logical and natural choice for all.
CW-698 Features:
- Cosmetically engineered and designed suitable for displaying anywhere.
- Child resistant lever for hot water tap.
- Fully automated leak sensor.
- Hot water tank capacity of up to 2 litters and a cold water tank capacity of 3.5 liters.
- Sufficient inner space for an additional storage tank which increases the total volume of the water reservoir tank to 13.5 liters.
- Additional features include the ability to convert hot water at room temperature.
- Unit production per day: 75 to 100 GPD (gallons per day)
- Dimensions of the cabinet: D35 cm x W33cm x H105 cm
Just think an abundant supply of bottled quality water at a fraction of the cost.
You don't have to ration anymore. Go ahead, fill the pot and use it for cooking. Your foods will really taste and look better. By removing those excess salts and foreign tastes you'll rediscover the deliciousness of cooked vegetables."Just add water" the label says, but you'll be adding Reverse Osmosis water; water without bad taste, smells, salts, impurities and you're promised great tasting orange juice, soup and Jello. With Reverse Osmosis water you'll get the full value and satisfaction of what you paid for.
On a low sodium diet? No problem because the CW-698 water is perfect as it removes the sodium from tap water.
Plants thrive on good water too. They grow better when fed water without excess dissolved salts; it's like the rain nature intended them to have. Even your electric iron and car battery function remarkably better and longer, free from harmful mineral salt deposits.
Because coffee and tea are 99% water, there can be no better water than reverse osmosis water. The CW-698 water creates noticeably better brews. Imagine cleaner, harder ice cubes that melt more slowly and leave no residue, all because your water is so much cleaner.
Considered among the great technological breakthroughs of this century, the Eagle Reverse Osmosis process purifies water at the molecular level. Purification by Eagle Reverse Osmosis, represents a big step above filters of any type. You can feel confident that the full spectrums of impurities are removed including those excess dissolved salts. That’s why so many bottled water companies use it.
How does the Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment System work?
By squeezing ordinary tap water (using your house water pressure) against a special membrane, pure water molecules are separated from impurities. What’s even more impressive is that these rejected impurities are automatically rinsed down the drain leaving bottled quality water for you that’s pure and delicious.We have combined this fantastic Eagle Reverse Osmosis process with other quality components to create a compact drinking water appliance that fits neatly under your kitchen sink. It provides you with an abundant supply of true bottled quality water without the bottles from its own attractive spigot. We can even hook up your icemaker and refrigerator water dispenser to the filtration system!
For more information on the Eagle Reverse Osmosis Cooler CW-698 and other Eagle Water Treatment products give us a call at Wise Water International authorized distributor of Eagle Water Treatment products and services - 1-866-427-7757.
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